this is likely very basic, but like, how do we switch between the PIC16/PIC18 on our board? Which one is the initial one on the board?

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I think it's 16 on the devbugger but it should say on the chip?

can we just pull the 16 out and put the 18 in and have it work?

Yep, Use PIC-DIP 18 if you have a 18 pin PIC (found to the right of where the original pic16 was). Only ahve one pic at a time and dont reprogram the pic18 that came with the devbugger

 make sure you change the JPB and RA6 as well .

why shouldn't we reprogram the pic18 that came with the DevBugger? Does it contol the DevBugger?


that pic18 I think has been specifically programmed for some function importanat the devbugger. That's the message that emami gave me

Kenny Kim said:

why shouldn't we reprogram the pic18 that came with the DevBugger? Does it contol the DevBugger?


so there's one pic16, one pic18, and one pic18 that's with the devbugger?

No. 1 PIC16 and 1 PIC18 on the board. You can replace the PIC16 with another PIC, say, PIC18.

Kenny Kim said:

so there's one pic16, one pic18, and one pic18 that's with the devbugger?


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