Oxford-oregon debate sample speehes

Oxford-oregon debate sample speehes
















A Rebuttal debate uses two teams comprised of 2-3 members. Each side makes a Constructive Speech, and then has the ability to offer a rebuttal. A rebuttal disproves the points outlined in the Constructive Speech and outlines the reasons why those points are faulty or wrong. The Affirmative team then gets to deliver the final rebuttal. Oregon Oxford The PM speaks first, introducing the motion. Their speech will usually begin: 'This House believes/proposes that…'. Also, they must define any key terms relating to the debate. The PM will then introduce the main points, or contentions, in favour of the motion. In one sense, the Reply Speakers will take the role of the adjudicator and describe the how the debate was won by their team. For instance, a Reply Speaker can point out that the opponents had shifted their case, contradicted each other, used arguments without proof or failed to respond to constructive arguments. The introduction needs to accomplish two things. 1. Provide a persuasive attention-getter to encourage the audience to listen to your speech. 2. State the resolution and your position (in favor of or opposed to it) Sample: "Every year in the United States, our government executes dozens of convicted murderers. All these speeches are seven minutes long. Prime minister presents the case, Leader of opp presents its own arguments and rebuttals the gov's, Deputy PM has also his own argument (s) and makes some rebuttal, of course he/she should not forget that she has to speak about the arguments of the PM and reafirm them. THE DEBATING CHEAT SHEET Manner, Matter, Method Debating is all about three things Matter- Manner and Method These are the three criteria against which you will be scored, and this score determines who will win the debate. Matter: What you say. The body of the speech - the key points and their development - should be, by far, the longest part of the debate speech (perhaps 3 ½ minutes to 30 seconds for an opening and for a conclusion, depending on the rules of the debate you are doing). 4 Develop your key points. You want to back up the key arguments you are using to justify your position. 1. Provide students with the opportunity to think critically, improve their communication abilities, solve problems creatively, and increase their self-confidence as debate affords training in rhetoric, persuasion, organized communication, and argument. 2. Engage students in writing (e.g. speeches), information analysis, and in-depth library Method 1Before the Debate. 1. Create a list of key points from your first and second speaker so that you have them ready when it comes time to give your closing summary. If you cannot prepare this in advance, take notes while the first and second speakers are talking. Make a list of the main arguments of first and second speakers on your team. ˇ ˇ ˘ ˚ ˘ ˆ ˛ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˝ ˇ ˇ ˘ ˇ ˘ ˚ Title: sample_affirmative_constructive Created Date: 1/9/2005 8:59:52 AM 1. Good afternoon Mr/Madam Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. (Use Madam or Mr depending on the gender of the Chairman.) 2. The topic for our debate is Team line REBUTTAL 4. The first negative 1. Good afternoon Mr/Madam Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. (Use Madam or Mr depending on the gender of the Chairman.) 2. The topic for our debate is Team line REBUTTAL 4. The first negative

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