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by KL Watson · 2010 · Cited by 13 — Non-Manual Marking (NMM; also, non-manuals) in American Sign Language (ASL) are comprised of non-affective facial expressions, head positions, and body by JC Schnepp · 2011 · Cited by 6 — synthesizing utterances in American Sign Language (ASL) that are not only ASL signs require that two or more nonmanual signals be used simultaneously.The sign for non-manual markers is to fingerspell "NMM" but people often do the sign for "expressions" to mean NMM's. An examples of a non-manual marker: 1. Jul 5, 2022 — Non-manual articulations are a fundamental component of all sign languages. They include not only various aspects of facial expression but Non-manual signals or NMS for short (also, non-manual markers or NMMs) are grammatical and semantic features other than hands. They include mouth morphemes, eye An expanding body of research on the various functions of non-manual markers in different sign languages since the 1980s (e.g. Coulter 1979; Woll 1981;. Engberg A Nonmanual feature, also sometimes called nonmanual signal or sign language expression, are the features of signed languages that do not use the hands. Non-manual markers include the use of facial expressions, body language, head movements, eye gazes, etc. For example, if you are mad at someone, or about Nonmanuals - Everything that is not manual? Studies of signed languages have shown that nonmanual expressions may function as grammatical markers and operate on
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