Media preparation pdf







The basic steps for preparing liquid media suitable for anaerobes are as follows: 1) preparation of culture media, 2) purgation of oxygen from the media by bubbling with anoxic gas, 3) sterilization of the sealed vessels by autoclaving, and 4) addition of reducing agents. The method for the preparation of basic microbiology media is given below. In situations where preparation is uneconomic in time, prepared, sterilized media (liquid and solid) are available from the major school science equipment suppliers. Sterilization is at 121 °C (15 lb in ˉ²) for 15 minutes. pH values are 7.0 unless stated otherwise. Media preparation 1. Media preparation MBM 350 Mrs Kamanga 2. Introduction • Bacteria occur as mixed population in nature • In order to grow bacteria sufficient nutrition must be provided under appropriate conditions • It must be grown separately (isolated) on culture media and obtained as pure culture for study • Media provides the nutrients required for the bacteria to grow Liquid Media Preparation. Cell culture media preparation significantly impacts mammalian cell growth and experimental outcomes. Similarly, there are specific media formulated to support the cultivation of microorganisms in vitro. Culture media provide a source of energy for cell growth and compounds that regulate cellular processes. Recalculate ingredient quantities according to the required culture media volume, Weigh main ingredients into the container, Weigh trace ingredients on a high accuracy balance and add to the container, Pour in deionized water up to around 80% of the required volume, Mix to dissolve the ingredients, gentle heating may be required, At the most basic level, automation of media preparation might involve the reproducible transfer of liquid agar or broth to plates and tubes or bottles. There are semi-automated filling sytems that can achieve this for the smaller laboratory. When large numbers of plates, tubes, vials, bottles etc. need to be produced then the whole process can Preparation of Culture Media. Non-Smile Resource Author: JCRC Document Number: Pro67-A-11 Effective (or Post) Date: 13-Oct-09 Document Origin Company: JCRC SMILE Approved by: Peggy Review by Peggy Coulter Review date 27 April 20 pSMILE Comments: This document is provided as an example only. This SOP is for preparation of media in Microbiology Laboratory. 3.0 Procedure for Media Preparation: Microbiology Media are required for cultivating the Micro-Organism. The Media should be prepared in proper way with adjusting proper pH required for growth of Micro-Organism. Media are of 2 types: Solid Media (Agar) Liquid Media (Broth) Media Preparation Summary of demands The following demands are important for an automated media preparation system. Reproducibiltiy and regulatory demands: 1.precise and repeatable mixing of the media 2.warming of the media 3.degassing of the media 4.precise dispensing of the media into the vessels 5.documentation of the media preparation and Abstract. The Preparation of Culture Media. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. Last Updated: 31 Aug 2022. The neck of the bottle was flamed & the cap was replaced Tripod and wire gauze Sterile 10ml pipette 6. The procedure was repeated for another 7 sterile petri dishes 7. The dish was rotated carefully to ensure that the medium covers the plate evenly Standard culture tubes and rack Dehydrated nutrient agar Cotton wool Distilled water 8. 5.1.1 Weigh the required quantity of the media powder for specific


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