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Introduction. This is the only book in the Apocrypha to which the author's name has been attached—Jesus ben Sirach, or Jesus the son of Sirach (50.27). Sirach, as he is more conveniently known, was a Wisdom teacher who directed an academy in Jerusalem in which pupils were schooled in the very practical ethics and theology of the Hebrew Wisdom 8 There is one wise and greatly to be feared, the Lord sitting upon his throne. 9 He created her, and saw her, and numbered her, and poured her out upon all his works. 10 She is with all flesh according to his gift, and he hath given her to them that love him. 11 The fear of the Lord is honour, and glory, and gladness, and a crown of rejoicing. anumnaeda Ecclesiasticus (1628) , 1628 Jesus Syrach deutsch # im latein Ecclesiasticus genandt (1607) , 1607 Sapientia Sirachi sive Ecclesiasticus (1604) , 1604 Le Livre de l'Ecclesiastique mis par stances françois (1596) , Claude Gauchet (1540-162.), 1596 Sophia Seirach sive Ecclesiasticus (1596) , 1596 Data 4/12 data.bnf.fr 1. The futility of life "under the sun" - cf. Ecc 1:2,14 a. A key word is "vanity" (occurs 35 times in 29 verses), which means "futility, uselessness, nothingness" b. A key phrase is "under the sun" (occurs 29 times in 27 verses), which suggests "from an earthly point of view" -- The book illustrates the vanity of life when looked at solely from an earthly perspective Ecclesiastes1:12 ii Ecclesiastes2:3 12 ¶ I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem. 13AndIgavemyhearttoseekand searchoutbywisdomconcerningallthingsthat are
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