Welcome to the Personal Mechatronics Lab Web forums. We hope you'll use this area productively. Before posting, please read these guidelines:

  • Remember: This conference is only one channel of community-supported technical support. 
  • Provide as much information as possible. You will get your question answered more quickly and more accurately if information in your message is specific and complete. 
  • Keep posts professional and to the point. Flaming, rudeness, inappropriate language/subjects or non-Microchip related topics may result in you being removed from the forums.  This includes degrading, berating or demeaning comments. We encourage people from all over the world to use our forums.  Rude comments on someone else's English abilities or mis-use is degrading and inappropriate in these forums and may result in the poster being banned.   
  • Don't post the same message in different areas. If the same message is found posted in multiple areas, the duplicate will bedeleted. If you persist in doing this, you may be removed from this conference. .
  • Search for a previous answer to your question. Save yourself some time by searching the forum for previous message threads that may answer your question.  
  • Provide a useful and unique subject line. Please be specific in the subject line so that all can easily identify your message. "MPLAB IDE," "Need Help" and "Urgent Problem" are not useful subjects. 
  • Inappropriate subjects: cracking, illegal software/firmware practices, messages which simply link to other commercial sites, spam email advertisements, off-color remarks, and other messages deemed objectionable by this forum's moderators.

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