how are people dealing with the emergency stop?

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I'm linking it to the reset pin

 Although I haven't coded that in yet, are we supposed to?

im not sure. also, there's already a rest button on the DevBugger

are we allowed to just connect it to the power supply and have that just stop it ? ._____.

 I'm not exactly sure how to do it but you can enable interrupts during the operation and link a physical button to the interrupt pin on the board which triggers a reset coded in the ISR.

Can't we just cut the power, it doesn't have to be strictly a microcont thing right?

this seems like a serious flaw in the whole immediate stop could reset the PIC, but if your software is causing the thing to go mad I don't think that would work out so well

We're just gonna blow a fuse and cut off power where it comes in to the robot.


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