This is the code I am using to set my ports accordingly... but when I build the project, it gives me this error: "Register in operand not in bank 0. Ensure that bank bits are correct."
reffering to the lines where TRISA, TRISB, TRISC, and TRISD are being set.
....I know it's not in bank 0... I told it to me in bank 1... why isn't it listening?
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; select bank 1
clrf TRISA ; All port A is output
movlw b'11110010' ; Set required keypad inputs
movwf TRISB
clrf TRISC ; All port C is output
clrf TRISD ; All port D is output
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; select bank 0
If it says Message[302] or something like that in front of it, it's not actually an error. It's just warning you politely that the TRIS registers aren't in bank0 and you should make sure before weird stuff happens when you run the program.
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